Pride goeth before a fall


I hate Indians. They are a beastly people with beastly religion. The famine was their own fault for breeding like rabbits

~Winston Churchill


Having a keen interest in history and politics, I like to read up on all the key historic events of the world. And Indian freedom struggle is a personal favourite topic of mine. I feel strangely invigorated when I read about the heroic deeds of our freedom fighters. For the last few days, I have been watching the Netflix political drama The Crown. As I was watching the character of Winston Churchill unfold on the screen, I couldn’t but juxtapose this character of his, with the person himself who is responsible for murdering more than 3 million Indians during the Bengal Famine of 1943.

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Sadly this evil mass murderer has always been glorified as a hero, has been considered an embodiment of ‘freedom and democracy’ when he himself was responsible for deeds that are nothing short of war crimes.

Late 1942, Bengal, mostly dependent on rice and grains, were struck by a violent cyclone that destroyed a large section of it’s crop yield. The crops that survived were subsequently attacked by a deadly fungus that destroyed the remaining crops too. Consequently by 1943 hordes of starving people were flooding into Calcutta, most  dying on the streets. Subhas Chandra Bose, who was then fighting on the side of the Axis  forces, offered to send rice from Myanmar, but the British censors did  not even allow his offer to be reported.

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